19 de junho de 2008

Desenho Disney - Aquarela do Brasil

Animação de Pato Donald e Zé Carioca em seu primeiro encontro, quando os Estados Unidos faziam a tal da política da boa vizinhança.

Donald Duck - Blame It on the Samba
De acordo com o Youtube:
Blame It on the Samba is a segment mixing animation and live action, a technical feat already seen in The Three Caballeros, where Aurora Miranda flirts and dances with Donald Duck and Zé Carioca (Joe Carioca) in the Bahian segment. In the new film, the cartoon characters are again avians, this time a trio: Donald, Zé, and the Aracuan (aracuã). The latter figure, a well-intentioned but crazy bird also called Clown of the Jungle, first appeared in The Three Caballeros. He's based on the aracuã, a bird common throughout Brazil. Flocks of aracuãs perch on trees, creating a tremendous racket at dawn and dusk, which is probably the reason for the bird's reputation for naughtiness. The song accompanying the segment is none other than Ernesto Nazareth's celebrated polka "Apanhei-te, Cavaquinho," fitted for the occasion with hackneyed English lyrics.

The Three Caballeros

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