Genial este filme feito praticamente sem nenhum recurso baseado no universo do game Half Life. Um trabalho realmente impecável!
De acordo com o Youtube:
Directed by The Purchase Brothers.
The Escape From City 17 short film series is an adaptation based on the Half Life computer game saga by Valve Corporation. Originally envisioned as a project to test out numerous post production techniques, as well as a spec commercial, it ballooned into a multi part series. Filmed guerilla style with no money, no time, no crew, no script, the first two episodes were made from beginning to end on a budget of $500.
Additional Notes:
Valve flew the team out to Seattle last year, and the brothers have been in communication with them since.
David and Ian Purchase are commercial directors represented by Sons and Daughters in Toronto. They are working on an unannounced feature film. Not HL related.
They have been huge fans of HL since the days of "ivan the space biker'
Represented for commercials at
25 de fevereiro de 2009
Filme do Half Life - Escape From City 17
Seções: curta, Games, variedades, video
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